Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Tyson Pig = Choking Hazard

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No where on this Tyson stress pig does it say "Not A Toy." So, it became Ava's (not like the warning would have stopped us anyway.) It wasn't until we noticed her face turning deep red that we discovered it was indeed a choking hazard! Luckily, with a little effort, we were able to retrieve the pig's snout from her esophagus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bad little piggy! -tv

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad Ava's okay--that's one little piggy that I NEVER want to see going to market!


9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thing Fireman Scott taught you CPR a few weeks ago...guess he is good for something! :-)


6:48 PM  

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