Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Pink Dress = Girl!

My First Dress Posted by Hello

After more than a few strangers commented on what an adorable baby boy I am, I decided to put a dress on today. This one goes out to all of my follicly challenged sisters. Don't get me wrong, this boy look is not the worst thing that could happen to me...I do seem to be taken a bit more seriously by the other babies at my local public library's storytime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theresa, I cracked up when I read Ava's comments!

Tell her that Sarah thinks she looks like a little girl and to blow raspberries at those crazy people who think otherwise.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(to the tune of that popular Billy Joel song)

--She may be a baldy;
But she's always a little girl to me--


10:27 AM  

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