Friday, February 11, 2005

Day 4 Update

Ava is doing well today... her first full day at home. It was a rough night for mom and dad... Ava refused to sleep in her crib or her fold-out bed (between Theresa & Donnie). She finally slept on a pillow next to Theresa.
The strategy tonight, is to get her to sleep on her own in her crib so that she doesn't become too dependent.
Ava is a very content baby and very peaceful. She doesn't cry unless she is hungry, which is every 1.5 hours!
We think... she offered a smile last night!
Please post any suggestions for the sleeping dilemna.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a great article on 'mummy-wrapping'--It makes sense that it would work because it mimics the way the baby was inside the womb.

'White noise' machines also worked well for my two nieces.


12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donnie and Theresa,
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you both. Ava is a beautiful baby and I can not wait to meet her. I would suggest reading,On Becoming Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam. You do not have to do everything they say but they have good suggestions. Do not hesitate to call if you ever need to talk. Hope to see you soon. I would also love to babysit too, and I am serious. Michele Block

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry , I don't have a baby yet. However, If I did, I would feed her then walk around the house humming "Hava-Nagila"

10:10 PM  

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