Tuesday, December 20, 2005

10 Months Old!

One tooth! Posted by Picasa

We haven't had much time to post any photos on the Blog lately. Here are a few. You might notice the boo-boo on Ava's left eye. We don't know exactly what happened to her, but it came with a lot of crying.

Yumm! Posted by Picasa
Yes, unfortunately everything still goes in the mouth.

Ava and her Gloworm Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 09, 2005

Santa Claus Posted by Picasa

Ava does not like Santa Claus! This photo was taken before she saw who was holding her.

Bright light! Bright light! Posted by Picasa

Scary rat! Posted by Picasa
Donnie fished this scary rat out of the pool. It looks like it was angry when it died.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ava meets her second cousin

Ava and Rhone Posted by Picasa

Rhone, Ava and Uncle Roger Posted by Picasa

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